Dear Parents,

I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Enjoy your family time and safe travels.

SJJ Night at the Chalet – Tobogganing Event

SAVE THE DATE for an exciting new PTU sponsored event!  Tuesday, January 10th 5:30-8:30pm, we have reserved the Strongsville Chalet Toboggan Chutes solely for SJJ!  We are planning for an exciting night and hope to have a fun evening together with our SJJ community.  More details and ticket sales coming soon.

Office Update

Mrs. Krawczyk, Administration Assistant has submitted her resignation and won’t be returning to SJJ after Christmas. Thank you to Mrs. Krawczyk for your years of service both in the classroom and office. We truly wish you the best.

In service of youth,

Mr. Akosi