Dear Saints Joseph and John School Families,

“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.” – John 15:11

There is much good news to share this week! Please read on for more information about our school. At SJJ, we feel blessed to be able to work hard for the good of your children– to help them learn and grow in their Catholic faith and foster a passion for learning.

The Fall MAP Assessment progress reports were sent home with your child today. Additionally, Acadience reading assessment reports for students in grades K-3 have also been sent home. These reports provide valuable insights into your child’s academic progress and growth.

Your child’s teacher will be able to answer specific questions regarding these assessments at upcoming parent-teacher conferences.


Our third-graders welcomed the Strongsville Fire Department today, who came and taught about fire safety this week. We thank them for their service to our community and for spending time with our students!


The end of the first quarter is next Friday, October 18! Report cards will be emailed through Digital Academy on Tuesday, October 22. Our teachers look forward to seeing you at parent-teacher conferences on October 23 or October 24. Remember there is no school for students on October 24 or October 25.


SJJ’s wonderful “Fall Fest” will take place on Thursday, October 17 for students in grades Preschool to Grade 3 and their families. More details can be found below.


Sunday, November 3 will be our first SJJ Family Mass of the year at Saint Joseph’s 10:30 am Mass. All students and families are welcome to attend, and our 6th, 7th and 8th grade students will assume the special roles of readers, greeters and student ambassadors at the Mass.

May God bless and strengthen our students, your families and our entire school community!

Autumn blessings,

Mrs. Schenek & Mrs. Francis