Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a great week and are looking forward to the weekend!

Several announcements came out this week regarding wearing masks from Governor DeWine and Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish.

Mrs. Francis and I are always discussing and monitoring the best option for our students, faculty and staff. We collaborate frequently with other principals in the Cleveland Diocese and listen to guidance from the Diocese of Cleveland. We will continue to evaluate this weekly.

The few cases that we have had came from outside of the school. In response to that, we are strongly encouraging faculty, staff and students to wear masks as well as all visitors and volunteers coming into the building, regardless of vaccination status. 

Thank you parents for keeping your child(ren) home when they have been sick and reporting to the office what symptoms they have. We appreciate you taking this seriously. This allows us to be proactive and monitor each classroom daily.

Please continue to communicate your expectations with your child(ren) in regards to wearing masks.  All faculty, staff and students should feel comfortable wearing a mask if they choose to wear one. Please discuss with your child(ren) that there should never be comments on why one chooses to wear a mask or not.

Teacher of the Year

I would like to congratulate our 2020 – 2021 Sr. Rita Mackert Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Sarah Hutchinson! Congratulations Mrs. Hutchinson and thank you for all your hard work and dedication.

High School Night

High School Night for grades 7 and 8 will be held on Tuesday, September 21 from 6-7pm at SJJ. The following schools will be in attendance: Archbishop Hoban, Beaumont, Benedictine, Elyria Catholic, Holy Name, Magnificat, Our Lady of the Elms, Padua, Trinity, St. Edward, St. Ignatius, St. Joseph Academy, and Walsh.

Photography Club

Please send all pictures and descriptions to [email protected].  Your child, team or group may be featured in the Church bulletin’s weekly Viking Voice or on SJJ’s social media pages!  Let’s show the world what it means to be a Viking!

PTU Homecoming Reverse Raffle

Attending the Homecoming Reverse Raffle event or not, you can still purchase tickets for the reverse raffle for a chance to win $5,000 to support our school! Purchase your raffle ticket until Thursday, Sept 23rd!  Ticket numbers will be assigned on Friday before the event.  Click here for tickets.

Restaurant Day

Jennifer’s Restaurant: Saturday, September 18th from 7:00am-2:00pm

We are SO excited to present you with an SJJ family-owned restaurant! The Wahib family has generously partnered with SJJ PTU to invite all SJJ families, relatives, and friends to enjoy breakfast or lunch at Jennifer’s Restaurant while giving back to their children’s school.

Stop by before or after sporting events, shopping or enjoy not having to cook breakfast or lunch!

Located at 14415 Pearl Rd. in the Strongsville Pointe Plaza, Jennifer’s offers an amazing menu of breakfast and lunch items with daily breakfast and lunch specials.

Mention SJJ PTU Restaurant Day when dining in or calling for a takeout order and the PTU will receive 15% of your purchase.

We have a busy week ahead. Please review the calendar of upcoming events at SJJ.

Week of September 20 – 26, 2021

BLUE Week for grades 6-8

Monday – 20

  • Grades 6 – 8 band
  • Broadcasting Club 2pm -3pm, pick up Door E

Tuesday –  21

  • Eager Engineers Session 1 2pm-3pm, pick up Door E
  • Grades 7 & 8 High School Night – 6pm – 7pm

Wednesday – 22

  • Eager Artists 2pm – 3pm, Pick up Door D

Thursday – 23

  • Eager Engineers  2pm – 3pm, Pick up Door E

Friday – 24

  • Mass 8:05am Grades 1 – 4 in person
  • K, 5 – 8 virtual

Fall Athletes may wear their SJJ sport jerseys with regular uniform bottoms. If your child doesn’t participate in Fall Sports, they may wear SJJ Spirit Wear with regular uniform bottoms.

Saturday – 25

  • St. John Neumann Mass – 4pm
  • St. Joseph Mass – 4:30pm

Sunday – 26

  • St. John Neumann Mass – 8:30am, 10am, and 11:30am
  • Life Teen Mass – 5pm
  • St. Joseph Mass – 8am, 10am, and 12pm

COVID Update –

Positive COVID Cases current – 3

Quarantine current – 1

21-22 Total Positive COVID Cases – 10

21-22 Total Quarantine Cases – 30

Thank you for all that you do and have a wonderful weekend!

In service of youth,

Mr. Akosi