Dear Parents,

Thank you to everyone that donated snacks and drinks for our teachers for the Parent/Teacher Conference. We all greatly appreciate it!

Just a reminder, students may wear their House Shirt on Tuesday with regular school bottoms.

Diocesan Tuition Assistance information 2023-24 – Diocesan Tuition Assistance Brochure 

23-24 FGAA Flyer (for FACTS) – Grant and Aid Assessment Application on FACTS.

2nd – 8th grade CYO Spring Track and Field

Checkers, Connect 4, and Tic-Tac-Toe Club

LEGO Club – Session 2

Office Update

Mrs. Armstrong, Administration Assistant has submitted her resignation and won’t be returning to SJJ. Thank you to Mrs. Armstrong for your years of service in the office. We truly wish Mrs. Armstrong the best. If you have questions on enrollment, please continue to use the [email protected] email and someone will be in contact with you if you have any questions. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Junior High Lunch Update

Effective March 1, 2023, Junior High Extras pricing will increase to $1.50 for main and $.50 for sides due to an increase in our costs.  Thank you for your understanding!

SJJ PTU Social Events

  • Father/Son at the Cleveland Charge Saturday, February 25th at 7:00pm.  Get your tickets here  Click for Tickets

  • SAVE THE DATE!  Father/Daughter Dance April 1st.  Invitation and registration coming soon!

  • Mother/Son Event – Let’s go Bowling!  Planning an EPIC night of bowling tentative for Wednesday, April 26th.  Details being finalized and more to come soon!

Sts. Joseph and John GALA

  • Saturday, March 11, 2023 at The Aviator.

    • Purchase your tickets or a table!  Please see the attached flyer for complete event information!
  • Tickets