Dear Parents,

Just a reminder that 2nd Quarter grades will be emailed today after 2pm.

Thank you to everyone that came out for the SJJ Night at the Chalet. It sure looked like everyone had a great time and the weather was cooperative. Thank you for your support!

Weather Reminder

Just a reminder that when Strongsville City Schools ar closed due to weather conditions, so is SJJ. Please make sure you have signed up for our Parent Alert system. Text the word START to 31706.

Volunteers Needed

Are you interested in volunteering for lunch or recess? We can really use your help on Thursdays and Fridays. Please contact Wendy DePauw at [email protected] for more information.

Sts. Joseph and John GALA

Catholic Schools Week Agenda

SAVE THE DATE – SJJ PTU Social Events in February

Enjoy your long weekend!

In service of youth,

Mr. Akosi