Dear Parents,

Thank you to all the grandparents or special friends that came out today. It was great seeing the church and school packed.  I hope you enjoyed your time with your grandchild(ren).

8th Grade Volleyball

Congratulations to our 8th grade volleyball team! They defeated Gesu on Sunday in an exciting game to become CYO City Champions! Great job girls!

Veterans Day Save the Date

On Friday, November 11 we will honor Veterans with a special Mass, donuts and clap out.  Please see the attached flyer.

Dress Code

Just a reminder, that gym shoes are to be worn on gym days only for 1st – 8th grade, unless shorts are being worn. Students may wear gym shoes with shorts.

The last day to wear shorts is October 31, 2022.

Belts should be worn with pants or shorts for boys in 1st – 8th grade.

Halloween Dress Down

There will be a Halloween or orange and black dress down on Monday, October 31.

Snack Bar

With recent prices on the rise, SJJ will need to make changes in our snack bar prices starting on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. Chips will remain at $.50, ice cream will cost $1.00 and soft pretzels/nachos will be $1.50. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please feel free to Mrs. Gyurko at [email protected].

Breakfast with St. Nicholas

SJJ PTU invites you to attend Breakfast with St. Nicholas on Sunday December 11, 2022, anytime from 9:00am – 1:00 pm at St. John Neumann in the LaRocca Center.  Purchase your tickets at the following link.  See flyer attached for more details.

We are in need of volunteers to make this event a success.  This is a great opportunity for students to earn service hours.  Stay tuned for ways to sign-up and help.

PTU Craft Fair

The PTU Craft Fair is November 5th from 9 am – 4 pm.  The link for the Sign-Up Genius is below.  We need a lot of helpers to make this event a success.  We are also looking for donations of beverages and chips that we can sell at the concession stands.  Finally, we do basket raffles, so we need donations of themed baskets for the raffle.

PTU: SJJ PTU Craft Fair Volunteers 2022 (