Dear Parents,
Thank you to everyone that came out and participated in our Fall Festival last night. The weather cooperated with us and everyone enjoyed their time. Thank you to all the helpers, candy donations and support!
Birthday Celebrations/Holiday Parties
Students may dress up/down on their birthday. They are acknowledged during the morning announcements. Students are permitted to pass out non-consumable items to their classmates such as pencils, erasers, stickers, etc. Students are NOT permitted to bring consumable treats to school (cookies, doughnuts, candy, brownies etc.). If you would like to purchase a snack bar ticket for each student in the class to enjoy an item from the snack bar, as a birthday treat; arrangements must be made with Mrs. Gyurko, the Food Service Manager. Call 440-238-4877 ext. 109 . Please make arrangements at least one week in advance. All lunch and snack bar items served in the school have been approved by the State of Ohio and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Guidelines.
Dress Code
Just a reminder, that gym shoes are to be worn on gym days only for 1st – 8th grade, unless shorts are being worn. Students may wear gym shoes with shorts.
The last day to wear shorts is October 31, 2022.
Belts should be worn with pants or shorts for boys in 1st – 8th grade.
Week ahead for Grandparents/Special Person Day Mass
As we approach our Grandparents/Special Person Day, just a reminder this is a special Mass for these people. Parents may attend Mass, but we are asking the Grandparents/Special Person only in the school after Mass.
Please inform the Grandparents/Special Person that Mass begins at 8:05am. There will be a section of the church marked for Grandparents/Special Person.
Students will sit with their classes during Mass. (This is so we know where students are located at all times.)
Once Mass is ended, we are asking the Grandparents/Special Person to walk back to the school and go to their youngest grandchild’s classroom. Make sure your child(ren) Grandparent/Special Person knows where your youngest grandchild’s classroom number is. We will be holding two grandparent sessions in the classrooms for Grandparents/Special Persons with multiple students. We will have student ambassadors to help direct Grandparents/Special Person to see what classroom to go to.
When a Grandparents/Special Person is finished visiting they are welcome to donuts and coffee in McGraw Hall and students will return to their regular class schedule.
We look forward to this wonderful Mass scheduled for our Grandparents/Special Person.
Halloween Dress Down
There will be a Halloween or orange and black dress down on Monday, October 31.
Snack Bar
With recent prices on the rise, SJJ will need to make changes in our snack bar prices starting on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. Chips will remain at $.50, ice cream will cost $1.00 and soft pretzels/nachos will be $1.50. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please feel free to Mrs. Gyurko at [email protected].
Breakfast with St. Nicholas
SJJ PTU invites you to attend Breakfast with St. Nicholas on Sunday December 11, 2022, anytime from 9:00am – 1:00 pm at St. John Neumann in the LaRocca Center. Purchase your tickets at the following link. See flyer attached for more details.
We are in need of volunteers to make this event a success. This is a great opportunity for students to earn service hours. Stay tuned for ways to sign-up and help.
PTU Craft Fair
The PTU Craft Fair is November 5th from 9 am – 4 pm. The link for the Sign-Up Genius is below. We need a lot of helpers to make this event a success. We are also looking for donations of beverages and chips that we can sell at the concession stands. Finally, we do basket raffles, so we need donations of themed baskets for the raffle.
PTU: SJJ PTU Craft Fair Volunteers 2022 (
SJJ PTU events coming in November:
11/1 – Restaurant Night at Olympia Sweet Treats!
11/5 – Craft Fair
11/9 – SAVE THE DATE! Parent Social at Scene 75 – more information to follow!!!
Parent Social from 6PM-9PM
Kids tickets 3PM-9PM (show the flyer or the voucher when purchasing game cards)
Scene 75 gives back 20% to SJJ PTU Wow!!!!