Dear Parents,
PTU Craft Fair
The PTU Craft Fair is November 5th from 9 am – 4 pm. The link for the Sign-Up Genius is below. We need a lot of helpers to make this event a success. We are also looking for donations of beverages and chips that we can sell at the concession stands. Finally, we do basket raffles, so we need donations of themed baskets for the raffle.
PTU: SJJ PTU Craft Fair Volunteers 2022 (
Pop Tabs Update
The pop tabs were turned in over the weekend and we collected 42 lbs of tabs to the Ronald McDonald house! We appreciate all your help with this and keep collecting those tabs!
House Shirt Update
House shirts have been ordered and will be in mid October. Please note, any checks will be processed once your order is filled.
SJJ Fall Festival
Our annual Fall Festival for grades Preschool through 2nd grade will be held on Thursday, October 20 from 6 – 7pm. SJJ is looking for candy donations for this event. If you would like to donate candy, please send candy in with your child(ren). Thank you for your support.
In service of youth,
Mr. Akosi