Dear Parents,
Donations Needed
Preschool is looking for a donation of two used artificial Christmas trees. If you happen to have an extra Christmas tree, please contact Mrs. Bosko at [email protected].
House Shirt Update
House shirts have been ordered and will be in mid October. Please note, any checks will be processed once your order is filled.
Save the Date
Christmas Concert for Grades K-2 will be held Wednesday, December 7 at 9am. We are looking forward to bringing this event back!
SJJ Fall Festival
Our annual Fall Festival for grades Preschool through 2nd grade will be held on Thursday, October 20 from 6 – 7pm. SJJ is looking for candy donations for this event. If you would like to donate candy, please send candy in with your child(ren). Thank you for your support.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, October 6 from 2pm-6pm. There will be no school on Friday, October 7th. Enjoy the long weekend.
Grandparents Day
Please join us for Grandparents (or Grand “friends”) Day on Friday, October 28. We will begin with Mass at 8:05, followed by time in the classroom watching announcements with your grandchild. Donuts and coffee will be handed out following announcements. Please fill out this form by Friday, October 7 if you plan on attending.
In service of youth,
Mr. Akosi