Dear Parents,
I hope that this note finds you well! I am writing to you today to announce that we will be starting the last phase of our Long Range Plan – renovation of the SJJ courtyard. This represents the final project that parents and faculty alike felt were most important to our school community back in Spring 2013.
A renovated courtyard will provide students with a space for prayer and reflection while enhancing STREAM experiences and the opportunity to utilize self-organized learning experiences for all grade levels. The renovated courtyard will offer an ideal area to teach and reinforce concepts about plant science, biology, chemistry, math, relationships and God’s beauty. Students will develop an understanding of the natural world when they are actively engaged in scientific inquiry.
Here is where you can help.
If you or someone you know owns a business that can contribute to the courtyard renovation (construction, greenhouse, concrete, etc.) please contact Board of Trustees member, Jeff Swboni at [email protected], who has offered to guide this renovation. Below are preliminary drawings of what we hope to accomplish with the courtyard space but as with any endeavour of the size and scope of this we need your help.
We are asking for your help during “We Give Catholic” on Tuesday, November 30, 2021 to fund this project.
We also hope to offer service hours to our students during the courtyard renovation. If you or your family know of an organization (Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc.) that would like to volunteer, please let Jeff know.
I realize that you have a choice in where you send your children. I join with the faculty, staff, and our Pastors in thanking you for your choice and confidence in Sts. Joseph and John School.
Thank you in advance for your generosity and God Bless.
In service of youth,
Joseph M. Akosi