Sts. Joseph and John CYO Athletics –2023 – 2024 Fall Sports Season  

Hello Viking Families,  

As we begin to wind down the school year and look forward to summer, it’s that time again to think about  fall sports. At this time, CYO has not published any official starting dates for Fall sports practices and  game schedules will be released much later in the summer. However, going off past years, I do not  anticipate any official sports practices beginning before July 24, 2023.  


Please visit for a list of sports offered and to register. Registrations will remain open  until July 10, 2023 at which time they will close. A couple quick notes about registrations:  

  • Please register as soon as possible so that we can begin to determine number of teams,  equipment needs, etc.  
  • Registration at this time is open to all SJJ students as well as members of either parish enrolled  in PSR/Edge.  
  • Please be sure any previous year account balances are paid in full. You will notice this as soon  as you log into your account on the athletics website.  

Once registration is closed, players/parents will be notified about assessment dates and times or directly  from their head coach the week of July 17th.  

As many of you know, SJJ Athletics is 100% operated through volunteers. As such, we have some  opportunities to get involved and volunteer for various activities in our programs. We are always looking  for new coaches, especially in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades as well as other areas to get involved. If you or  anyone you know is interested in volunteering with our Athletics, please reach out to me directly at [email protected] or use the ‘Contact Us’ form on the website.  

If you have any questions about CYO fall sports or the registration process, please do not hesitate to  reach out.  

Wishing you all a blessed Summer and I look forward to seeing everyone this fall!    

Thank you,  

Craig D. Behm
Athletic Director
Sts. Joseph & John School