Dear Parents,
I hope everyone had a wonderful week! Thank you SJJ PTU for sponsoring today’s STEM activities for our students. Everyone had a great time!
Weather Reminder
Just a reminder that when Strongsville City Schools are closed due to weather conditions so is SJJ. Please make sure you have signed up for our Parent Alert system. Text the word START to 31706.
Volunteers Needed
Are you interested in volunteering for lunch or recess? We can really use your help on Thursdays and Fridays. Please contact Wendy DePauw at [email protected] for more information.
Spring Math+ Program at Saint Ignatius (6th-8th graders)
This Spring, the Math+ program will be focused on the concept of Infinity. Infinity can be defined as “something without any limit”. The concept has applications across disciplines but is particularly critical in mathematics where the concept has been at the center of the field since 1655 when John Wallis, a leading mathematician, defined its mathematical symbol.
The six session course will be taught at St. Ignatius High School on Saturdays from 2:15 to 3:15pm starting on Saturday, February 18th and ending on March 25th. The course costs $250.
Sign-up at
Open House
All families may attend our Open House on Sunday, January 29 from 11:30am – 1pm.
Sick Child
Just a reminder if your child has a fever, they must be fever free for 24 hours without medication to return to school. If your child is sick, please keep them home until they are feeling better before returning to school.
In service of youth,
Mr. Akosi