Dear Parents,

Report Cards

Today was the end of the 1st quarter. Report cards will be emailed out on Friday, October 21.


Just a reminder, FACTS will be disabled until report cards go out next week. Thank you for your cooperation.

5th-8th grade parents will be receiving weekly updates of your child(ren) grades/assignments through FACTS/Renweb on Sundays. This will help you track your child’s progress and how they are doing in school on tests and assignments. This will begin in the upcoming and we are testing this process.

Halloween Dress Down

There will be a Halloween or orange and black dress down on Monday, October 31.

Snack Bar

With recent prices on the rise, SJJ will need to make changes in our snack bar prices starting on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. Chips will remain at $.50, ice cream will cost $1.00 and soft pretzels/nachos will be $1.50. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please feel free to Mrs. Gyurko at [email protected].

In service of youth,

Mr. Akosi